Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Good, the Bad and the Busy

Although I am currently in the thick of wading my way through this heavy BRS Anatomy book I figure that if I don't write a post now, then I'll never get around to writing one.

The 2012 Fall Semester has come and I'm glad to have finally paid off, to the university, the last of my tuition fees. Of course, I still owe Uncle Sam and plenty of my relatives tens of thousands of dollars with interest accruing. At least I won't have to worry about any other huge bills (the size of $13,411) for a long long time. Perhaps not until I retire and break even.

When paying off my tuition I used as much from my credit cards to build my credit, however a strange thing happened to my Bank of America online banking account on Friday. I tried to log in and instead of directing me to my account it gave me an error saying "There are no open accounts for this Online ID. We are unable to service your request. If you need further assistance you can call" So I called up Bank of America and they said that my account is currently... under investigation! I haven't made any suspicious purchases so I have little idea as to why my account has been shut down. They didn't even send me an email or call me to let me know that my account and credit card are unable to be used. This is one more reason why I dislike our increasingly automated and impersonal business and consumer climate. And to think that our tax dollars were used to bail these guys out (to put it lightly). My only guess is that one of the merchants that I used with was compromised and they had to delete all of the credit card numbers that ever went to that merchant. The operator from Bank of America (had a foreign accent) said that the investigative department is closed on the weekend so I'll have to wait until Monday to call them. Crime never rests, but apparently the people at Bank of America are on top of things and can afford to take the weekends off.

A pathologist's assistant will spend most of their time grossing while either standing or sitting. I tend to sit as much as possible to prevent the development of varicose veins, but Forbes has an interesting article about none other than the lethal dangers of sitting.
How to Stop Your Office Chair from Killing You
It turns out that sitting isn't the best activity for our bipedal, walk-a-lot, evolved neanderthal bodies. Outside of work and studying I try to jog when I can. Recently my mp3 player, purchased in antiquity, had died on me and jogging without a song to listen to made me retract into laziness. I had an even older mp3 player back at home in California and I asked my brother to send it to me.

Upon coming home one day I looked in the mail to see a package from amazon. (Unrelated to the credit card issue above.) It was strange because I hadn't ordered anything on amazon and I wasn't expecting a package from them. Yet, the package surely enough had my name listed, so it must have been for myself. I open the package and lo-and-behold:

a brand new 4th generation iPod Touch.
I was shocked and moved all at once. What had happened was that my younger brother had purchased this for me with his hard earned, new-found money from his nursing job. I never would have thought that he'd gift me with this. I'm such a penny-pincher that I wouldn't have even bought this for myself if I could have afforded it. It has been difficult concentrating on textbooks with this still unexplored device in the palm of my hands, but I'm very grateful to have such a thoughtful and generous younger brother. Now I've got to find a way to make it up to him.

Over this past year and a half there have been a lot of people who have been asking me some very good questions via email regarding the field of PA and the program at West Virginia University. In my next post I hope to list some of the more common questions and answer them to the best of my ability.

Update: 8/20/2012

Well, I was able to get into contact with Bank of America and it turns out that when I made a call to them through SKYPE earlier in the week it triggered their computer system to flag my account for suspicious activity. Because the SKYPE # was not listed in Bank of America's computers, they may have thought that it was a scammer or thief. I explained to them that I had indeed made the call through SKYPE earlier in the week and my account with Bank of America should thankfully be up and back to normal soon.


  1. Oh wow. That is an awesome brother! Glad you got everything is okay with your BoA account. I had my EECU account locked before because of fraud and it really sucks.

    Glad you are getting your account back quickly!

  2. That is an awesome brother. My older sister randomly sends me packages and the 1st time she did, I was skeptical to open it, but since my name was on it, I did. I should send her a random something, even if it's a card...

    As for your BofA situation, I'm with WF and they froze my account Saturday am. I'm glad they are on top of it. Someone had my numbers and tried to use a fake card in WalMart in a state nowhere near me. I need to start paying for things more with cash as I think I know where I used my card and the problems began. Or what the bank suggested, two accounts, one to pay monthly bills and a completely different card/account that is for fun money with limited funds.

    Looking forward to your next post!

  3. @Chris
    Thanks! I really wouldn't have a credit card in the first place if I didn't have to build up my credit. It's too bad that there aren't other ways to do that. It reminds me of a scam. I hope that you didn't lose any money due to that case of fraud.

    Yes, I'm very grateful to have him as my younger brother, although when we were younger we used to fight all the time. It's strange how easily it seems that thieves are able to get a hold of our personal information. I've got three credit cards I'm using right now, so if one goes down, at least I have some backup. If you like WF, then I don't think it would be a bad idea to open another card.

  4. @Forrest

    I luckily did lose any money in that case. It was hard a bit because they refunded the money only after the investigation and determined I wasn't in Germany when the fraud happened.

  5. Well, I'm certainly glad you got your money back. I have known people who through no fault of their own, in fact it was the banks fault, have been defrauded of their money. If they hadn't given you your money back then they would be incidentally affirming the existence of warp technology!
